The average Tea Party candidate's fundamental rationale: "I hate Big Government so much that I want to be a major player within it".
The fundamental rationale of the international energy emergency system established in the 1970's was to protect economic growth.
Out of this fundamental rationale, and out of the geographical proximity to Japan of colonies or potential colonies, grew a distinct set of colonial policies.
Yet in other chapters the fundamental rationale was presented from the point of view of genes.
But it missed a fundamental rationale for continuing to train medical students in anatomy and dissection: that practice makes perfect.
Among modern political theorists, there are three contending conceptions of the fundamental rationale for democracy: aggregative democracy, deliberative democracy, and radical democracy.
"Its fundamental rationale is to assure that parents who want to have access to information can have it," she said.
The solutions we opt for must be consistent with the fundamental rationale of the European Union, which is a union of states and peoples.
The Secretary-General has done this in the face of unprecedented challenges to the authority and even the fundamental rationale of the organisation.
The fundamental rationale of all EU food aid policy must obviously be to guarantee that the food in question gets to the communities and regions where it is most needed.