And they are instilled in us by fundamental institutions, such as families, and schools and religious congregations.
He therefore discarded from the fundamental institutions of the government that which still retained the shadow of a popular character.
All the fundamental institutions have arisen in relation to it and are adapted to its conditions.
Many fundamental political institutions trace their development through ancient Western civilizations and European thinkers.
Another way of characterizing it is to describe its fundamental institutions, such as the sovereign state, the self-regulating market and the scientific method.
"And now stepfamilies in large numbers are impacting as never before on the fundamental institutions of our society: the courts, the schools, the churches."
There, the liberal author affirmed that "as conservatives tirelessly and rightly point out, marriage is society's most fundamental institution."
The presence of male two-spirits "was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples."
It is also one of the most fundamental institutions of Buddhism.
He understands what I know, that marriage is a fundamental institution of our civilization.