Implied in this image is the idea that the fundamental connection is not between two substances, mind and matter.
This relation expresses a fundamental connection between the Peltier and Seebeck effects.
The Island School believes in a fundamental connection between a healthy mind and a healthy body.
But nobody talked about the evening's most fundamental connection: a kind of lissome, elegant and vital ensemble playing that characterized every piece.
But the article does not address the more fundamental connection between poetry and popular culture: popular music.
Pre-Darwinist concepts of comparative natural history were used to show certain fundamental connections between man's physical organization and that of the lower mammals.
Shinto is the fundamental connection between the power and beauty of nature (the land) and the people of Japan.
More a sense of the fundamental connections between decision and outcomes.
There's nothing more important than evidence of a fundamental connection between all humanoid life-forms.
So it's clear that, by assembling these little building blocks in different configurations, we're able to create sort of fundamental logical connections.