Five weeks ago, he said, the Strong fund yielded 5.17 percent.
The most aggressive funds yielded 6.75 percent, almost a full percentage point more than those buying just Treasury bills.
The fund yields a hefty 4.52 percent, but should be held only by people who plan to invest for five years or more.
But if rates begin to rise, such securities or funds yield much less and can quickly eat into the principal.
The fund this week yielded 2.49 percent, down 15 basis points from the best yield last week.
The fund originally yielded an income of £200 per annum.
The fund was yielding 3.78 percent at the end of the week.
The fund was yielding 3.78 percent for the week.
The fund was yielding 2.88 percent, up from its leading 2.86 percent in the previous week.
Short-term funds, with maturities of no more than two years, are yielding about 5 percent.