The fund reported a return of 8.86 percent, up from 8.83 percent last week.
One fund had reported a gain of 51.3 percent and the other 25.8 percent in 2005, according to reports to investors.
But mutual funds report that investors in stock are becoming more careful.
Mutual funds report this information on the 1099's they send out; brokerage houses may do so, too.
But the bank did not receive the money even though the mutual fund reported that it had been transferred.
The Polish funds would begin operating in 1992 and report their first results at the start of 1993.
This requirement ensures that all funds report the same type of information.
Mutual funds reported that small investors sat on their hands for the most part.
The fund reported a rate of return of 8% for the 11 months ended 28 November 2007.
In 2000 and 2001, the fund reported donations of just under $3 million each year.