With health and environmental funds leading the way, mutual stock funds turned in a strong performance in the second quarter of this year.
These funds have led to construction on all four campuses.
Despite that, the fund has consistently led the pack of diversified equity funds.
The bailout of South Korea, which the fund led, totaled $58 billion.
In 1999, the fund led its category with a 65 percent return, but a year later, it fell behind, dropping 27 percent.
The funds may not be immediately available and lead to overdraft fees.
The fund leads several events for the families and contributors.
Despite a shortened application process, fewer funds for the 2011-2012 program could lead to financial problems for many students.
That fund led the equity fund group through Thursday this year, with a gain of 54.4 percent.
The fund led the pack in the year ended June 30, with a gain of 252.6 percent.