Hundreds of people were involved, diverting funds estimated at up to $2 billion.
Kuwait's investment arm, meantime, gets 10 percent of that country's oil sales and controls a fund estimated at well over $100 billion.
Southern Cross was built at Wivenhoe, Essex, England by Forrest & Sons using funds estimated at £9,000 contributed by Bishop John Richardson Selwyn and others.
The GFCCG also drew up plans to raise additional funds, estimated at $4,000 million-$5,000 million, for 1991.
The state bar association also maintains a fund, estimated at $600,000, to reimburse clients who have lost money through their attorney.
Combined, these changes could add hundreds of millions to the final cost of the fund, previously estimated at $6 billion.
The line reopened on 23 July 2012, but was again closed on the 13 October 2012, because of the need for unexpected maintenance and a lack the necessary funds, estimated at €1.5 million, to undertake it.
THE German Bundesbank and Scandinavian central banks came to the rescue of the Finnish currency yesterday with monetary support to stem an outflow of funds estimated at more than £1 billion late last week.
At 30 June 2005, Centro owned and managed 224 properties, with total managed funds estimated at $9.1 billion.
It will put an end to the wastage of funds, estimated at almost EUR 400 000 per year, which results from the coexistence of national patents and European patents.