The rest went to trust funds designated for her husband's children.
The money came from a fund designated for capital and infrastructure projects.
This bill also designates funds for the support and improvement of public transportation.
Surely it means academies will cream off funds designated for ordinary schools?
The report noted that the track was late in making a mandatory deposit of $16,000 to a fund designated for capital improvements.
Today it is common to refer to an institution's ability to designate funds for a specific use or owner as an earmark.
In 2006, he designated funds for scholarships for deserving seniors.
This foundation has yet to be fully mobilized, as the company decides how best to make use of the funds designated for these charitable purposes.
However, he felt obliged to use the funds originally designated for the new cathedral to build the new churches and schools instead.
This protection is lost if the funds are commingled with other funds not designated for such a purchase.