Sadly, funds available for poor children have declined drastically in the last decade.
But in 1982 constant dollars, the funds declined for the same period, to $94.7 billion from $109.77 billion.
But for 2001, that fund declined by 7.4 percent, and investors in it lost $13.8 million.
During the first year of trading, the fund declined about 22%.
For its part, the monetary fund declined to comment on the petition.
In 1994, the funds also declined, by 15.8 percent, amid rising rates.
By the end of the year, fund officials said, its available funds will have declined to worrisomely low levels, even including the backup credit line.
In 2002, the fund declined 0.9 percent in the first quarter.
The fund has declined by $5 billion in the last two years, and it is expected to lose at least $2 billion this year.
On Monday, the fund declined 7.2 percent, roughly the average decline of the major market indexes.