Mr. Vallone said he would pay for additional child care mainly with money from a special fund controlled by the Governor and legislative leaders.
On 6 March Benjamin met with a commission formed to help the starving that agreed to his voluntary dispersal of funds controlled by the parishes.
It sounded good, but millions of shareholders entrusted their holdings to mutual funds controlled by state banks, which then failed to restructure the inefficient enterprises.
The system is 50% financed from payroll taxes paid by employers to a fund controlled by the Health regulator.
The fund, controlled by Kilpatrick's sister and friends, was created to improve the city of Detroit through voter education, economic empowerment, and crime prevention.
After Petra dies, after these five all grow old and die, then start paying my pension into a fund controlled by that investor software.
They are given enough cash to keep going on the side from secret funds controlled by the Reds.
But all six of the schools slated for closing are heavily subsidized by archdiocesan funds controlled by the cardinal.
For political reasons, they don't want their funds to be perceived as being commingled with funds controlled by the C.P.A.
It was financed with $130 million from several institutions, led by funds controlled by the financier George Soros.