The Investigator, which costs $29.95 a year, rates each security held by a fund based on the corporate policies of its issuer.
And don't make assumptions about the soundness of the fund based solely on its past performance or its name.
That presumably reflected investments by the many funds based there.
The fund, based in Washington, was intended to study issues confronting industrialized nations.
The fund, based in Switzerland, had the goal of preserving endangered species and their habitats.
"A lot of people have been attracted to the fund based on its strong performance are now reacting to the volatility in the market," she said.
The fund, based in London, said it will hold a protest there later this week.
It had resulted in the allocation of funds based not on the best interests of justice but on value for money.
The authors found that investors are beginning to discriminate among funds based on after-tax performance.
Instead, Brazil's 2006 proposal would draw from a fund based upon donor country contributors.