Then the Democratic Congress and Democratic Administration began whacking heartily at funds allotted for Latin American countries to help them reduce drug production.
Construction was erratic for several years due to lack of funds allotted by Congress.
Members of the council, although appointed by town selectmen, operate independently from town government and award grants on a yearly basis with funds allotted by the state organization.
Congress is expected to vote later this month on whether to allow the funds allotted for 1997 to be released starting March 1, instead of waiting until July.
Total funds allotted for the project were US$ 9,023,000.
Another important aspect is the level of the funds allotted by the European Union in emergency cases.
As the head of the Military Department, the Adjutant General has full control over funds allotted to the National Guard armories.
In recent years, he has given back to the Senate one third to one half of the funds allotted to him to hire workers.
For instance, the use of funds allotted to projects promoting public health that are co-financed by other public or private entities is supervised by these entities.
Tim Wallace is appointed to the committee and is to be responsible for the funds allotted to the preservation group.