A separate bill allowing for the creation of the fund administrators will be voted on when Congress returns in March.
Each day, Mr. Slotky, a mutual fund administrator, looks forward to his leisure hours.
Hedge fund administrators are responsible for operations, accounting, and valuation services.
They said Mr. Berger altered the fake statements and sent them to the fund administrator.
Data and documents are collected from fund administrators and promoters.
A fund administrator who manages the trading, reconciliations, valuation and unit pricing.
Though the fund's amount had increased in the five previous campaigns, fund administrators had not been hopeful about the chances for a record this time around.
In the five years the fund has existed, it has never had to be used, said Peter Lopez, the fund administrator.
They report only to the fund administrators, and have published nothing so far.
But the fund administrators must take special care to see that the money reaches Gypsies, lest this group be slighted again.