The ocelli coexist with the compound eyes, thus most insects possess two anatomically separate and functionally different visual pathways.
In a few species the differences are so great that they have been described as functionally different species.
These machines are not functionally different from machines from the same time period without the signature.
No one place is functionally different than any other.
Several functionally different haemoglobins can coexist in the same species.
Although classes are conducted in Hawaiian, they are functionally different from foreign-language immersion schools.
Paul Broca coined the term based on its physical location in the brain, sandwiched between two functionally different components.
Metsälä can be separated into two functionally different parts.
Human brain's evolution is functionally different, neurons change connection to make short-route, these routes lead to faster decision making, we call it increasing efficiency through learning.
It can also be contrasted with functionally different forms of mimicry.