It involves functional tasks that utilize a patient's strengths and abilities.
These serve the functional task of organizing entrance, coat check, ticket desks, bookstore and cafe into an integrated sequence.
Exercises should reflect functional tasks such as cooking, transfers and self-care.
Eventually she had come to learn that cooperating with others for either functional or recreational tasks was a way of coping with loneliness, even alleviating it.
An action element contains a core action representing one and only one functional task.
The number of versions of a specific functional task.
Many studies focus on measures such as physical impairment or disability in functional tasks or presence of a specific chronic disease.
Emphasis is often concentrated on functional tasks and patient's goals.
Let us be clear: this is not time spent brushing her teeth, washing or dressing - those mundane, functional tasks are already done and out of the way.
The working pair is a common and powerful structure for carrying out functional and emotional tasks.