Biochemical and functional responses of platelets from patients with Alzheimer's disease.
This pattern is evident in the functional response of type III.
Second, one assumes that predators have a non-linear functional response, typically of type II.
The term represents the prey's logistic growth, and the predator's functional response.
As Holling notes, total predation can be expressed as a combination of functional and numerical response.
This is different from an increase in energy intake due to increased foraging efficiency, which is considered a functional response.
In contrast, the functional response consists of a change in conversion efficiency (a) or capture rate (c).
A functional response in ecology is the intake rate of a consumer as a function of food density.
A functional response of type I is used in the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model.
It was the first kind of functional response described and is also the simplest of the three functional responses currently detailed.