This condition, known as septal rupture, leads to significant deformations of the lung architecture (video) that have important functional consequences.
Necessary for the maturation of many proteins, processing can also occur afterwards, often resulting in dramatic functional consequences.
The primary feature is recurrent episodes of depersonalization and/or derealization that have functional consequences.
It is unclear what the structural or functional consequence of vertebral arch narrowing is.
While PIM kinase to autophosphorylate, the functional consequences are not known.
To date the functional consequences of Siah1a association with group I mGluRs are unknown.
Latent functions are one type of unanticipated consequences; functional for the designated system.
Responses are organized based upon the particular form needed to fit the current environmental challenges as well as the functional consequences.
The functional consequences of these mutations are unknown.
This implies important functional consequences for oxygen affinity.