We then attempted to separate the functional anatomy of the subvocal rehearsal system from the phonological store.
It's fundaments are laid by functional anatomy, neurophysiology and developmental psychology.
"Just testing to see if you know your functional anatomy."
With regards to functional anatomy, the olfactory tubercle can be considered to be a part of three larger networks.
On the visceral surface a functional anatomy dictates how the liver is organized.
Abduction, in functional anatomy, is a movement which draws a limb away from the median sagittal plane of the body.
The gastrointestinal tract has a form of general histology with some differences that reflect the specialization in functional anatomy.
Students also take classes in dance history, functional anatomy, and improvisation.
Throughout his scientific career, Stelzner investigated questions of functional anatomy and its impact on surgical operative methods.
The effects of practice on the functional anatomy of task performance.