Altered cerebral function may also result in disordered language and difficulty in movements requiring dexterity.
The functions of the facilities will be moved to the Aerospace Data Facility at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado and result in the loss of 100+ jobs from the Yakima area.
Perhaps the inadequate function of his heart resulted in diminished circulation, with detrimental consequences to the brain.
Many functions and system characteristics result from the interaction of all system components, consequently, they are only visible on the level of the entire system and can only be observed and tested there.
Besides an altered expression of integrin adhesion molecules in colorectal cancer, an altered function may also result in pathological cell matrix interactions.
Higher functions and population will result in higher dominance.
Religious functions, festivals and the practice of taking a pilgrimage resulted in a flourishing pilgrimage economy.
Although they are structurally unrelated to systemins, their similar function resulted in them being named hydroxyproline-rich systemins (HypSys).
During human evolution, the functions in this area resulted in its expansion relative to the rest of the brain.