After the treatment was over, erectile function improved in sixteen of the patients.
Sarasota's other attractions tend to relax rather than stimulate, and all function in some way to improve the local quality of life.
The functions of filtering improves every day to get downloading Web documents and more efficient messages.
Provided that the individual survives their initial presentation, the left ventricular function improves within 2 months.
If the pain in or function of your shoulder does not improve with these methods, surgery or other treatment may be considered.
The brain is often likened to a muscle, the suggestion being that if you exercise it, its function will improve.
The arrhythmia itself is not affected, but the pumping function of the heart improves owing to improved filling.
Asked if her cognitive function improved, she replied, "Did it make me smarter?
Generally, erectile function improves within two years after surgery.
Every administrative function improves in the knowledge that it is under scrutiny.