Neuroimaging suggests the functions earlier attributed to the Wernicke's area occur more broadly in the temporal lobe and indeed happen also in the Broca's area.
It serves as a consultative body for Parliament and the Government on those matters and those functions attributed to it by law.
Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities have regulatory powers for the organisation and implementation of the functions attributed to them.
Revenues raised from the above-mentioned sources shall enable municipalities, provinces, metropolitan cities and regions to fully finance the public functions attributed to them.
Together these findings corroborate results from imaging and electrical studies about the variety of functions attributed to the ACC.
Limb bud regulation and development of the lungs, liver, teeth and facial mesenchyme cells are other important functions attributed to BMP4 signaling.
In spite of the structural dissimilarities with the bacterial flagellum, the main function thus far attributed for archaellum is swimming in liquid and semi-solid surfaces.
The functions now being attributed to it are appropriate to a non-specific defence protein generated during inflammation and truma.
Activation of phagocytes is the most common function attributed to Fc receptors.
Thomas Kuhn argued that Copernicus only transferred "some properties to the Sun's many astronomical functions previously attributed to the earth."