In addition to those specified there, the President also discharges functions assigned to him or her in other laws.
The State Information Commission's mandate is to exercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the functions assigned to, under the Act.
Every time the loop is about to process another item from the list, the function grabs the current continuation, and assigns it to the variable 'control-state'.
Intuitively this function assigns score to the pair , where and .
Thomas and Dill [ 9 10 ] have pointed out that these potential functions do not assign the correct value to the energy parameters, though they do rank them correctly.
Pre-programming on the computer can fulfill the functions originally assigned to the assistant technicians, thus requiring only a single assistant to control the sound (Sluchin 2000, 42).
A probation officer can perform any function assigned to him or her by the court.
Any other functions assigned by the law.
In other words, the function assigns to each element x of M the element x of M.
Next he assigned each room a function.