The spinning space station would have three decks and was to function as a navigational aid, meteorological station, Earth observatory, military platform, and way point for further exploration missions to outer space.
The station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station as part of the Pinetree Line.
The station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
It was the first of the large radars to be deployed, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
The site then became a part of the Permanent radar network, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
The site was designated as M-125, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
The site initially had AN/FPS-3 and AN/FPS-5 radars, and initially the station functioned as an aircraft control and warning station.
Thus it was designated as site LP-54, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
Operational status was achieved in 1956, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.
Initially the station functioned as a Ground Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station.