Washington fumbled early in the game, giving the Buccaneers possession of the ball at the Redskins' 10 yard line.
Danbury fumbled a punt early in the first quarter that led to Greenwich's first score.
After a scoreless first quarter, Alabama recovered a Mocs fumble at their 14-yard line early in the second.
He fumbled the ball early in the fourth quarter, but that didn't stop him from leading the Broncos to another overtime win.
Penn State running back Silas Redd fumbled early in the third quarter and Wisconsin recovered again near midfield.
But when his replacement, Reggie Slack, fumbled early, Burger was rushed into the game.
When Fiedler fumbled early in the third quarter, the Patriots drove for their third touchdown.
His second pass was intercepted, leading to a Dallas field goal, and he fumbled early in the third quarter, setting up the touchdown that put the Cowboys up, 17-0.
"I knew that he fumbled the ball early, before it went into the end zone," he said.
Goodman fumbled a punt early in the game and Navy kicked a field goal.