Or at least powerful music, for the use of colored lights is fully specified in the score and meant to be integral to the work.
The result is not 27 but instead ten classes of signs fully specified at this level of analysis.
The color charge of each of these fields is fully specified by the representations.
A color is fully specified by listing the three numbers for hue, value, and chroma in that order.
Note that under either hypothesis, the distribution of the data is fully specified; there are no unknown parameters to estimate.
The aims of any programme of research should be fully specified at the outset.
It was never fully specified or implemented; in many ways it was more a concept than a language.
Fully specifying an automobile can involve many levels of detail, most basically:
To fully specify a belt, the material, length, and cross-section size and shape are required.
Consequently, it cannot be used in situations where derivatives or merges do not fully specify their parent(s).