If left to its musical devices, what a fully satisfying evening this would have been.
None were fully satisfying, although they had their fascinations.
But this is not to say that her Senta was fully satisfying.
On the other hand, neither does it pull the whole into a fully satisfying dramatic story.
It is an ambitious, laudable effort that falls short of being a fully satisfying novel.
There was one touch of poetic justice, without which no election is fully satisfying.
But it never quite delivered on its promise, seeming finally to be a collection of gestures rather than a fully satisfying continuum.
This is the best that can be hoped for, even if it is a long way from a fully satisfying life.
Though a simple premise, the first two weeks have shown Biritera can be a fully satisfying drama with opportunities for depth.
But a few crackerjack performances don't add up to a fully satisfying evening of theater.