When the sun had fully risen, he shrugged into his pack and started for the border.
Before the sun had fully risen they would be on their way.
Then let us be quick about it, ere the sun is fully risen.
Harry came to his feet; before he was fully risen, a man stumbled squarely upon him.
He finally fell asleep for a couple of hours, but was up again and at the base before the sun had fully risen.
By the twilight blur of the fully risen sun he reckoned it near eight o'clock.
They arrived in the maze early, before the moon was fully risen, and made their way carefully through the Wilderness.
The sun had fully risen; east, by the Wall, the trumpets were sounding.
It needed to be whole, to be powerful, to be fully risen again.
By now the sun had fully risen, a bright globe hi the east.