It has been said that despite the emphasis on variation, blob designs all look the same, and that blob designers haven't fully reckoned with the realities of construction.
But neither she nor the Vulcan had fully reckoned with the man who had still been Captain James T. Kirk.
I do not think I ever fully reckoned, until then, how much he served to keep my demons at bay.
I had not fully reckoned with how good the best could be.
Neither Mr. Zoubi nor the Jordanian King had fully reckoned with the deep opposition to close ties with Israel still harbored in powerful quarters here.
What I hadn't fully reckoned on, though, were the crowds.
It seems that no one in the Bush administration fully reckoned with the consequences of this vast and ambitious campaign.
The costs of the war cannot yet be fully reckoned, because they are still occurring - and will be for a considerable time.
I had not fully reckoned with the tenacious strength of those who would not let go of the old structure, no matter how discredited and degraded it had become.
Unfortunately, neither had reckoned fully with the evil measures of Verdugo.