Perhaps the reason is that, prosperous though the state is, its economy has not fully rebounded to where it was in the late 1980's.
Anna Stina and Peter returned to the area 3 years later, though settlement didn't fully rebound until the 1890s.
He rebounded from my fist fully three feet and then went over on his back again, spitting blood and teeth from his mouth.
Our national economy cannot fully rebound unless and until housing is addressed.
The program is still doing well, however, and is expected to rebound fully once football season ends.
(By year-end 1998, the value had jumped to $13.7 billion, though unit sales had not fully rebounded.)
Studies show the blood volume returns to normal in about a week, though blood cell count can take two to three months to fully rebound.
Still, sales have not fully rebounded since Gianni Versace's death.
Stock trading activity among Schwab's core customers has not fully rebounded, leaving the company struggling to reinvent itself.
Despite these positive trends, the industry has yet to rebound fully.