In the study, 84 percent of the 236 people who responded said they fully obeyed with speed limits in manatee zones during their most recent boating experience, but observers found that only 45 percent actually complied.
And she could obey more fully, could she not?
This passage indicates that the acceptable fast is not merely abstinence from food or water, but a decision to fully obey God's commands to care for the poor and oppressed.
When Andrew Robinson checked the claimed pattern, he found that "Close inspection of the Santiago Staff reveals that only 63 out of the 113 [sic] sequences on the staff fully obey the triad structure (and 63 is the maximum figure, giving every Fischer attribution the benefit of the doubt)."
The link with Earth, over which his performance was continually monitored, had become the voice of a conscience he could no longer fully obey.
The prioress there later testified that, despite her behavior, Christina would humbly and fully obey any command given her by the prioress.
Mallory considers the issue a salutary reminder that some anonymous linguistic groups that do not fully obey the current classification, may have survived to the dawn of historical records.
I tried to raise my hand to shut out the sight, yet so stunned were my nerves that my arm could not fully obey my will.
Angola is thus at this stage entrenched in a dominant-party system which is very strongly presidentialist and does not fully obey to the fundamental tenets of democracy.
Over the course of many thousands of years Daneel adapts himself to be able to fully obey the Zeroth Law.