There is now a substantial network of interconnecting, fully navigable canals across the country.
During spring freshet the Severn can be closed to navigation, making the ring not fully navigable.
Highway 401 became fully navigable from Windsor to the Quebec border in 1964.
By 1809, the trail was fully navigable by wagon.
One of the most beautiful, and fully navigable portions of the Grand River, runs along the western portion of the town.
Emajõgi is the second largest river in Estonia by discharge and the only fully navigable river.
The extreme loss in 2007 rendered the passage "fully navigable".
The only Surrey river to have been made fully navigable is the River Wey.
In 2005, the Patent Lens made the landscapes fully navigable, interactive and updatable by users.
The rivers were found to be fully navigable and from then on a growing number of river steamers and schooners began sailing the Colorado.