At that point units were fully manned for operational deployment.
At the time of the incident, the center gun room of Turret 2 was fully manned with four individuals.
The tower was fully manned up because we had SAR assets airborne.
She lies yonder fully manned in the outer fringe of this sea of reeds.
Not nearly enough to fully man a warship like the Jerle Shannara, let alone fight a battle against enemies.
But when the fort was fully manned in 1902 its status changed to an independent battery.
His drummer sounded the urgent tattoo, although it was scarcely neces-sary, since the guns had been fully manned for the last hour and a half.
These days they man fully decked triremes and biremes-even quinqueremes!
The ship was fully manned with three men for each position, and only a third of them were therefore on duty now.
The National Police Commissioner has published that the squad will be fully manned at 55 police officers by 2010.