A decade ago, financial architects on Wall Street seemed capable of selling companies derivatives that the companies did not need or could not fully interpret.
To fully interpret the impact the environment has on a species' phenotype and development when studying developmental processes, a more thorough understanding of ecology is necessary.
Para 3: Reference to future sections make it extremely difficult to fully interpret the intent of the current section.
Stated by critics as "perhaps impossible to interpret fully," the poem "affirms a transcendental poetic spirit yet cannot locate it."
She set her mouth in a line; an expression he knew was not neutral, but which he still could not fully interpret.
Mr. Samuelson said he was merely "interpreting fully and correctly Ricardoian comparative advantage theory."
Interpreters Cora West and Robert M. Dunlap attested to having fully interpreted the terms of the agreement to the tribes before signing began.
"Only we two can fully interpret their answers and their information," Ishihara added, apparently picking up Wayne's concern.
No-one has been able to fully interpret these paintings, as the tribe who painted them were all massacred or killed by disease during the 1873 gold rush.
Kurt Rhoads's company, now in its 19th season, specializes in having fun with Shakespeare's works rather than fully interpreting them.