However, Smith's teachings regarding the nature of the Godhead developed during his lifetime, becoming most fully elaborated in the few years prior to his murder in 1844.
Very briefly, but fully elaborated upon in "Bird Strike," it offer three tiers of defense against damaging bird and wildlife strikes:
This tradition of Solomon's control over demons appears fully elaborated in the early pseudographical work called the Testament of Solomon with its elaborate and grotesque demonology.
Marx never fully elaborated upon his theory.
These provisions define the basis for the highly complex cursus honorum of the learned profession which finally became fully elaborated only in the early eighteenth century.
And while this purpose is never fully elaborated in his book, it has to do with his interest in recapturing time, hauling it out of the deep recess into which it has fallen, to make it real.
However, the onset of World War III is in the background and not fully elaborated.
In the 1950's it signified a "repressed cry for the mother," fully elaborated in the psychoanalytic literature.
That is the heart of the case that could not be fully elaborated in a hurried five-minute address that was more earnest than eloquent.
Lamarck's views on evolution were fully elaborated in his Philosophie zoologique in which he also arranged animals according to relationships and was first to employ the genealogical tree.