The final adult plumage is not fully attained until the birds are between 5 and a half and 6 and a half years old.
At length, the day arrives on which that old, sometimes agelong, desire seems to be fully attained, reality accepts it and submits to it.
Assimilation is an ongoing process and is not usually fully attained, regardless of the amount of time spent in the new culture.
That is the aim of Psychic Science, and it has been fully attained.
One may approach it as one would a horizon, in ways that may be better or worse, but it can never be fully attained.
A number of specific problems have been identified which suggest that the objectives are not attained fully or consistently.
It is only their results that will not be fully attained until the medium term, although this will in any case be before accession.
The students' sense of achievement, heightened by the success of their carefully prepared and organised presentation, was an intended outcome fully attained.
This is technically known as linear response - an ideal closely approached by the best equipment but never fully attained.
Even if it cannot be fully attained, the effort in attempting it is still important.