And so decorative painting became his full-time pursuit.
A former computer scientist, Witteles made poker his full-time pursuit in 2003.
Smallman started out as a side venture but soon became a full-time pursuit.
But the phenomenon is far broader than the day traders who have made on-line investing almost a full-time pursuit.
But writing poetry as a full-time pursuit, as the thing you do, is still a pioneer's art.
The side-project turned into a full-time pursuit.
He ran the grocery store for ten years till about 1925 before taking to his spiritual pursuits full-time.
Is teaching to the test the best pedagogical practice, especially when that becomes a full-time pursuit at borderline schools?
Rummaging through the family attic, it seems, has become a full-time pursuit for some people.
But fungi foraging can easily graduate into a full-time pursuit.