In 1972 Rob began practicing astrology as a full-time profession.
This hobby turned into a full-time profession, and eventually land was allocated solely for his collection.
By the 1980s, most models were able to make modelling a full-time profession.
He realized that his full-time profession as a physician would be difficult with the necessary medical treatment.
In 1952, quit his construction job and made carving his full-time profession.
Prue is also skilled in the art of photography, which she later turns into her full-time profession.
It was only in the 19th century that architecture began to be practiced as a full-time profession.
His full-time profession is as senior master of a small independent English secondary school where he teaches.
He can't make fighting his full-time profession, but he said that might actually help his career.
Some go even further and change careers, turning their hard-won expertise into a full-time profession.