She remained a full-time parent for nearly ten years, which kept her dependent on various forms of public assistance.
After several years being a full-time parent, Natalie turned back to songwriting to express her feelings of family life.
For 15 years Hall worked as a travel agent, later becoming a full-time parent.
It wasn't the state salary for full-time parents that had swayed her.
The plan was that you would have a home and at least one full-time parent.
She stated her desire to be my full-time parent.
Experts have advised that overwhelmed parents keep a journal, or go back to work if they were full-time parents.
A year after my daughters were born, I became a full-time single parent with very little money.
This home was designed for up to seventeen children and had full-time parents to take care of them.
His father was a patent lawyer, his mother a full-time parent.