Charlie sleeps in constantly, and retains a full-time housekeeper, Berta.
Among other things, she is able to have the children's out-of-state grandparents travel to her home, where there is already a full-time nanny and full-time housekeeper.
Their house is taken care of by their full-time housekeeper, Hannah Gruen.
Actually, he had no need for a full-time housekeeper.
Apparently the Matthew Flynts didn't have an indigent relative or a full-time housekeeper, because the door was answered by the lady of the house herself.
Ms. Molina supports the family by working as a full-time housekeeper.
She is the best and cheapest full-time housekeeper a boy could ask for.
What was it like having a full-time housekeeper always in your face?
The taxpayer helped meet the cost of a full-time housekeeper.
On one hand, they have a four-bedroom house in a walled compound, with round-the-clock security guards (standard in Ethiopia, she says) and full-time housekeepers.