He will vacate his office, move into another, and begin a role as a full-time fund-raiser.
Ms. Holtzman has not established a Senate campaign committee but has hired full-time fund-raisers to solicit donations for such a race.
It is far from its endowment goal of $35 million, so Robinson, who has an office at the school, will become a full-time fund-raiser.
As a result of tips from her networking group, she is also having interviews with two firms looking for a full-time fund-raiser.
Not only do most organizations have a full-time fund-raiser; they have a staff.
The surge in contributions comes as the cost of running for state legislatures and local offices is rising sharply, making many politicians nearly full-time fund-raisers.
He has hired a poll taker, a media consultant, a direct mail specialist and a full-time fund-raiser.
And the school's full-time fund-raiser, an unheard-of position in most public schools, seeks grant money for the bus tours.
Like many lawmakers, Mr. Feighan employs a full-time fund-raiser in the campaign season to handle that work.
Still, it has no dormitories, no student center, no full-time fund-raiser and virtually no endowment.