The school has a full-time doctor with support medical staff, and a psychologist to help students sort their emotional troubles.
There are about 110,000 people passing through prisons annually but only 125 full-time and 137 part-time doctors to care for them.
We have a medical room set up with a full-time doctor attending for all employees.
Its status was changed from health centre to rural hospital in 2000, with a full-time medical doctor.
In return, the school will fill 352 full-time doctors' positions, 40 more than under the current agreement.
The school website reports that there is a full-time doctor in residence.
Right now, the clinic has three full-time doctors, down from six last year.
There is a medical clinic with two full-time doctors and 10 nurses.
The town has a community health centre with three full-time doctors.
The town has not had a full-time doctor for about 50 years.