Specifically, he said that there cannot be more than six students in the classroom with one full-time teacher and two full-time aides.
The district has provided a full-time aide to transcribe notes and help Brooke with other activities.
Just before the fire was reported, Rose Moody, her full-time aide, had stepped out on an errand.
Classes are kept small - about 22 students in each - and nearly all have at least one full-time instructional aide.
And both, with the accompaniment of full-time aides, attend the first grade at their local public schools.
Robin Hood required that each new library have a full-time aide and a librarian with a master's in library science.
But a million PowerPoints won't matter if you can't find the books, and that's where the full-time aide comes in.
She wants her son to have a full-time aide who is trained to care for the disabled.
Didn't he have a full-time aide assigned to watch him?
That amount will increase next year, when Ryan will need a full-time aide.