Examples include full-text databases of periodicals, business directories, and language learning tools.
Tuvia Friling was among Israel's pioneers in the development of computerized full-text databases of historical documentation based on modern retrieval systems.
In addition to full-text databases, the library is planning to provide 1.2 million books, 500,000 eBooks, periodicals and newspapers, and special collections.
The library has preserved many of its digital resources, including the full-text databases of the Thomas system for legislative information and its own bibliographic databases.
The university library holds around 40,000 print volumes, nearly 1,000 current journal subscriptions, more than 40,000 e-books and a growing number of full-text databases.
Large-scale full-text databases are another tool that has proved supremely effective.
Natural language is used widely in full-text databases, as discussed further in Chapter 19.
Natural language indexing is important in searching online databases, especially full-text databases.
The Weeks-Townsend Memorial Library contains more than 160,000 books, periodicals, government documents, media materials and on-line reference and full-text databases.
It houses a collection of 250,000 print volumes, including more than 100 full-text databases and indexes, and two computer labs.