After showing promising results on 'fake' patients, it is now being used in a full-scale trial of more than 1,000 genuine sufferers.
If no settlement had been reached, a full-scale trial would have been held.
The first full-scale trial was at Battersea during the summer of 1861.
In 2000, a large full-scale trial showed that the only other microbicide candidate, nonoxynol-9, was unsafe when it had been expected to be effective.
The full-scale driving trials were held at Unterlüss in May 1940.
But she said that the full-scale trials needed to get approval from regulators had not yet been carried out.
She saw some use as a target, to determine the damage caused by depth charges in full-scale trials.
It said the districts could stand only if the state justified them under strict scrutiny in a full-scale trial.
But a Fatico hearing is not a full-scale criminal trial.
The decision to go ahead was taken and full-scale trials of the floating breakwater started in April 1944.