The application may not necessarily be in full-scale implementation but the Government Institution or Public Services Institution already uses it.
The ones who didn't make that rediscovery tended to disappear from the profession in ever greater numbers, but their earlier opposition and lingering guerrilla warfare had delayed the full-scale implementation of modern education on Earth by at least ten years.
Part 6 discusses the occupation of Iraq, which Klein describes as the most comprehensive and full-scale implementation of the shock doctrine ever attempted.
Paradox for Windows is one of the first products to feature full-scale implementation of object orientated programming.
Donald Fehr, head of the players union, said it would be premature to judge the revenue sharing plan before it reaches full-scale implementation for the 2000 season.
Current estimates are that full-scale implementation of the Kyoto Protocol may cause 5-to-20% of emissions reductions in industrialised countries to 'leak' into developing countries.
For its full-scale implementation, the University proposed a project for funding by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Isaac D. Harp, president of the Coalition Against CO2 Dumping, agreed that the experiment itself would not cause much harm, but said that it would provide impetus for larger experiments and then full-scale implementation.
After evaluating the results by looking at outputs such as total cost per subscriber, subscriber increases and subscriber churn rate, the FCC should begin full-scale implementation of a low-income program for broadband.
This requirement led to full-scale implementation of the ACI system in the early 1970s.