The first full-page story told in pictures concerning the first truly British comic hero - a character called 'Ally Sloper'- appeared in Judy during 1867.
Local newspapers run full-page stories about new fire engines.
He handed the full-page story to Tyson.
The band was featured in a full-page story in the August 11, 2005 issue of Rolling Stone magazine (page 22).
It was the subject of a full-page story by the Daily Telegraph.
This article is a full-page story about the lives and careers of Jack and Loretta Clemens.
This article is a full-page story about the life of Loretta Clemens Tupper.
Then earlier this month, after a full-page story ran in Time magazine, the book, which had dropped to No. 8, jumped to No. 5.
One of the earliest was a full-page story on the MCS6501 and MCS6502 microprocessors in the July 24, 1975 issue of Electronics magazine.
In Newsweek, Carla Power dedicated a full-page story to Junoon with the headline "For God and Country."