Bashir gathered up Ezri's limp form and carried her toward the medical bay at a full-out run.
Clutching his duffel under one arm and holding the phaser out before him, he broke into a full-out run in the direction the tricorder had indicated.
Wulfgar roared again and bit the man's stomach hard, then started a full-out, blind run across the tavern floor.
She took one look at his fierce, predatory expression, spun on her haunches, and launched herself into a full-out run.
I've seen you cast at a full-out run, so I know it wasn't just to make me stop.
Ms. Perron gave him new kinds of things to do, hesitancies and open, full-out propulsive runs that looked positively anarchic in relation to ballet.
Then they broke into a full-out run.
Just a down and dirty full-out run.
As I broke into a full-out run, I whispered under my breath, "We need to get to the throne now!"
He caught himself gasping, not from the exertion of the full-out run, but from the intensity of the excitement he felt.