But instead of vamping a pattern behind the singer as in gospel, the ensemble had to pick up full-length songs at a moment's notice.
They are currently working on their third album titled Juggernaut, although no given release date or full-length songs have been revealed yet.
The album would ultimately consist of 15 full-length songs and four short "interludes".
Few days later cory posted an audio video on YouTube with full-length song.
However, this version is a shorter edit of the full-length song.
If teenagers could download full-length songs right onto their cellphones - we'll be rich, I tell you!
The player comes with full-length songs from popular artists in its memory.
Lewis wrote her first full-length song at the age of 12.
The MV and the full-length song was pre-released on April 2012.
The album features ten full-length songs and seven short instrumental or minimal pieces.