They probably believed they had caught a pussycat, but they would soon realize they had a full-grown female tiger on their hands.
Seven was alone in the cell, but not in the room, which Roberta now saw was stocked with a wide variety of caged animals, including a full-grown tiger, which growled and bared its fangs menacingly.
Imagine a scarlet reptile twice the length of a full-grown tiger, with a saw-tooth spine and lashing barbed tail, and you will have a picture of the thing.
In 1938, he organised a hunt for a leopard reported to be roaming the depot at Bakloh, only to find himself facing a full-grown tiger (which killed one of the Gurkhas acting as beaters).
These come to mind: LUCY MARGATE: In the late 20th century, approximately 50 full-grown tigers escaped from a preserve in Jackson.
He tried to fit in, but as a full-grown tiger, inadvertently caused a panic, which drew the attention of Captain Marvel.
The animals included wolves, black bears, grizzly bears, full-grown male lions, lionesses, baboons, mountain lions, and 18 full-grown tigers, authorities said.
Suddenly from nowhere a full-grown tiger sprawled across the road and came to a stop right in front of Swamiji's car.
When suspicious figures (who turned out to be tabloid reporters) were spotted, Kev grabbed the minister and locked him inside the basement... the same basement where Danny had hidden his now full-grown tiger.
Lafayette whirled to face the mouth of the lair, a ragged arch wide enough to pass a full-grown tiger.