The sight of a full-grown lion at the side of a newborn antelope - she has adopted five antelopes this year - attracted hordes of tourists.
The basto had located us and was advancing, uttering a sound that would have put to shame the best efforts of a full-grown lion.
Its high sliding sides and massive mahogany construction would have caged a full-grown lion.
A second is a Persian King Kambyses possessed a dog that started a fight with two full-grown lions.
His attack lacked the strength and finesse of a full-grown lion.
She ran into the canyon, forgetting there might be other cave lions around and not even considering that Baby was no longer her young companion but a full-grown lion.
This was the first adult to be killed and consumed by a healthy full-grown lion in at least 100 years.
But by then he was a full-grown lion, wasn't he?
Now it reared upon its hind legs and beat at the bars before it-old, rust-rotted bars that never had been intended to confine a full-grown lion.
Although so active and cat-like in its movements, a full-grown lion weighs about five hundred and fifty pounds.